Step by step to nailing the *perfect vibe for your kitchen

We can spend all day thinking about the look and feel of our dream kitchen.

Oh the hours we’ve spent scrolling Pinterest and binge watching celeb homes on AD only to wind up with a collection of images and vibes that don’t quite.. vibe.

What to do when you like the look of EVERYTHING? Here’s a step by step to nailing the vibe of your dream kitchen.

Step 1. How do you want to feel in your new kitchen?

Are you seeking warmth and cosiness, or looking to feel expansive, open and bright? Pull out a thesaurus to mine those adjectives.

Step 2. What colors and textures bring out these feels?

Colours and textures are emotional and physiological force multipliers - they can make a home feel soothing and soft or sleek, moody and polished.

Step 3. Gather inspo

Find and save images and textures that fit these vibes and words. Lead with your body and gut, if something looks like it could be calm and soothing but actually feels drab and a little clinical, it’s not a vibe.

Step 4. Look for patterns

Go through your inspo. What stands out for you? Are there any common textures, layouts, colours and fittings that come through? Organise and group your images into themes.

Step 5. Try them out

For the next week “try out” and daydream about living in a space that embodies each of these vibes. Take note of what you lean into the most. Sometimes, we can trick ourselves into thinking we want the look and feel of one vibe when in reality we’d be more comfortable with something else.


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